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Adventures of the Bailey School Kids

#25 Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance

Lesson Plan:
Learn to square dance.
Plant Walk!
Take a nature hike and see how many different plants you can find and identify.  ages 8, 9, 10 Interest Level Grades 2 - 5 Grade Level Equivalent 3.5 Lexile Measure 580L DRA 24 Guided Reading M Number of Pages 68  Genre: Mystery and Suspense, Series  ISBN-13: 978-0590849050  (March 1997)  Square dancing for third graders.  Secret about this book:  The artist drew Debbie as Ranger Lily.  AR Quiz No. 16909 EN Fiction  IL: LG - BL: 3.7 - AR Pts: 1.0  AR Quiz Types: RP, VP  Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance book page.

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