Monday July 13, 2009
It's Monday morning and I'm in my pj's, sitting down to do one of my favorite things-write! I hope you'll take a peek at Natalie's
cool notebook on the Keyholder page. I love the way the webmaster made the pages turn. Annette, one of my favorite books is in my new Keyholder series. It's The Other Side of Magic. I'm pretty excited about the next two books in the series too. They come out in November. Matthew, I'm so glad you like the Keyholder series. Thanks for your cool wargaule idea. I haven't gone on vacation yet. I plan to go to the Smoky Mountains in August for a
family reunion in a big log cabin. I love log cabins-I dream of owning one some day. Vita, I do remember the fangs from your school. It was so funny and surprising. Here's a picture of it.
Vijclithya, I'm glad you want to review Beware of the Blabbermouth. If you're an adult, feel free to contact me through my events page to give me more information. This book has had two different covers. if you're a student, you can ask me questions here. Nick, I'm not sure what you mean by regular series. Shatakshi, you can purchase books through my website (with your parent's help, of course). One story I have on my site is Gnomes Don't Slurp Spaghetti. I'm also creating a story this summer on my homepage. I hope you all will give me input this week. Alex, I like action in stories too. In fact, I'm working on a story that's all action and as silly as I can possibly make it. Elias, thanks for your great idea. Here's a link to a Bailey School Kids junior bookmark. There are more bookmarks on the teacher's page. Have a great week and do something fun! I'm going to write a story and hopefully go to the ocean for a day, Debbie

Monday July 6, 2009
I hope you had a great Fourth of July celebration. We had a cookout with my husband's father, his brother and his family. It was fun, but I got beat at bocce ball and washers. Maggie and Vivian, I hope you had a super weekend. Maggie, I like the Twilight books too. I'm glad you also like my books! My favorite sport to play is tennis, blue is my favorite color, and my favorite place to go is home. One of my favorite trips was to Paris. I have lots of favorite books, like This Side Of Magic.
Sophia, sorry I didn't answer you sooner. I thought I already had. I like mysteries too. I think it would be fun to write about fairies as well. (There actually are fairies in my new Keyholder series) Brittany and Gabby, I'm glad you got the bookplates. Alex, thanks for your great idea. Have a fantastic week and don't forget to check out the story on my homepage. I'm off to the skateboard park, Debbie

Monday June 29, 2009
Happy Monday morning! I've crossed three things off my summer list already-going on a picnic, reading a classic, and going to Hershey Park. Last weekend for Father's Day we went to Hershey Park and yesterday we went on a nice picnic and then my husband and kids went fishing. (I read and took pictures). I finished reading Catcher in the Rye. It's a grown-up book and rather strange if you ask me. I almost didn't want to finish it, but I kept waiting for it to get
really good. I was disappointed, but I must admit I still think about the character so maybe that's what the author intended. It's definitely a book for high school or beyond.
I've been working on a
. I challenged myself to write the silliest adventure
story possible (even sillier than Slime Wars) and I'm having a lot of fun doing it. (It's so silly and nutty, I'm wondering what my editor will say). Maybe you'd like to give being silly a try this week. You might also like to write a story with me (check out my home page) Stay cool and be silly if at all possible, Debbie

Friday June 19, 2009
Is your school out yet? My kids have their last day today and they are excited. I hope you have a great summer. I hope you'll try writing with me or try your own Debbie Dadey rap. Two great guys tried their own-check it out on my writing page.
Noah, I'm so glad you liked the new Keyholders books. Yes, Amitav, The Other Side of Magic is out. Barbie and Maddie, hello to you. Brittany and
Gabby, I sent out your autographed book plates. Jacob M., I hope your author project went well with Gargoyles Don't Drive School Buses. Alexa, good luck with your story. David, I'm glad you liked Howling at the Hauntlys. The next book I have coming out is called Inside the Magic. It's #3 in the Keyholder series. The story I am writing today is a silly, silly story. I'm having great fun with it. Madelyn, thanks for your great ideas. I'm glad you liked Mrs. Jeepers Batty Vacation. Enjoy your summer vacation! g2g, Debbie

Saturday June 13, 2009
Summer List!
Every summer, my youngest son and I have a tradition. We make a summer list of all the things we want to do during the summer. They have to be realistic things that we could really do. It's amazing how many things we can do when we have a list, otherwise it seems like the summer zooms past and we forget to do everything we wanted. You might like to try it. Jot down at least 10 things you want to try this summer. Here's part of my list:
1. Go on a hike.
2. Go on a bike ride.
3. Finish a book with Marcia.
4. Do 100 sit-ups per day.
5. Go on a picnic.
6. Go to the ocean (I only live an hour away).
7. Go to Hershey Park.
8. Work on Natalie's notebook.
9. Read Catcher in the Rye.
10. Make a Mrs. Jeepers Summer Reading Camp
Gabby, do you have things you want to do this summer? I'd be happy to send you and Brittany (and Johnny too) an autographed bookplate (they are just stickers that I sign and you can put in your book). You guys just have to snail mail me your address. Write me at 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012.
Allison, my first book came out in 1990. Madelyn, your ideas were great. My fav is your Goblins don't play Volleyball! Johnny, your ideas were very creative and funny too. Ashley, it's hard to get a story published, but there are places that publish kids stories. Your story sounds fun. I just finished a time-travel story too! Ashley, you might like to try sending your story to Highlights magazine (with your parent's permission, of course). You guys should definitely try writing with me this summer. And since Brenton wants to write about Robbers, that's what we're doing! ttyl, Debbie
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