Sunday June 7, 2009
Wow, check out the cool new look of the Swamp Page and the new things on the Keyholders page. I like basketball, so of course I really like Luke's game. You might also like to print out the Keyholder character cards. I made them myself! Let me know what you think.
Fatima, usually if I don't have a title for a story I reread the story and see if I can find some neat line or phrase that would make a good title. Check your story for something that would work. It's hard for me to know without knowing more about your story.
Sophia, I'm glad you liked Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers. No, Eddie's recipe in that book is definitely not real. That would be disgusting!
Brenton from Australia, it's great to hear from you again. You gave me a great idea. What if we all wrote a story online this summer? So when I write a story, I always make a plan. We need to decide what should happen in the story. First, we need to brainstorm. I'll start us off on my homepage and you tell me what we should write about. Brenton, you and Brittany, can send me a bookplate for an autograph. It would be a lot easier than sending a book. Send it to me in care of Scholastic 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012. (Of course, I still want to go to Australia some day.) Brittany, I don't live in NY, but I'd love to see the ball drop in real life. Chioma, I'm glad you liked Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp. Stormie, there are 51 numbered Bailey School Kids books, but there are also Super Specials and Holiday specials that are a lot of fun. Dechymire, I'm glad you got my card and bookmark. Kailyn, thanks for your funny idea. Peyton, I think Mrs. Jeepers might just be a real vampire and some people think she bit Eddie in the hall, what do you think? Stephanie, what do you
think of the name Roxy Wrong for your story?
Kathryn, you sound like a fun librarian. And now to answer Kaylin, Sam, Kelly, Madison, Lexy, Samantha, and Noelle. Yes, I think there was a dragon in Dragons Don't Cook Pizza. Whew, I hope that doesn't make some of you mad. I hope you'll visit my homepage and let's write a story together this summer. g2g, Debbie

Monday June 1, 2009
Life is good. I'm feeling much better and the sun is shining! A big shout out to Morgan and Allie. Hope you're having a great day. Lawrence, my newest books are the first two in the Keyholder series, This Side of Magic and The Other Side of Magic. Katie, it's about three kids who find out they are the chosen
Keyholders, the ones who have to keep the bad magic out of the real world. Luckily, they get a dragon, a unicorn, and a rat to help them. Which helper would you like?
Nicole, I get ideas from everywhere, even from schools I visit. Emily, you have your librarian to thank for my visit. Andrew, I've written about 147 books. Sarah H., I am working on a book this summer with my friend Marcia. Anabel, I like Howie too! Isn't he cute? Lillia, I'm so glad you liked Werewolves Don't Run for President. Marina, you must be into werewolves too. I'd be happy to send you an autograph for Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp. Just sent me a bookplate and I'll autograph it. Or if you don't have one, just send me a letter (and remind me that you want a bookplate) at Scholastic 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012 and I'll send you one you
can stick in your book. Or if you live in NJ or close to it, you can come to meet me at a booksigning on Saturday. You might even win Dracula the dragon!
Ryan, thanks for your funny idea. Yes, Alex, I did write Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors. It's one of my favorites. Camille and Nichole, stay cool. I'm so glad you like my books. Tristan, I'm curious. What's happening on June 10th, besides my son's birthday? Allison, you might like to check out my NEW writing page. Actually it's the same page, but it got a new link. I do plan on adding more things to it this summer, so if you have any suggestions let me know. Right now, it has some writing activities you might like to check out as well as some podcasts. Don't forget to scroll past the podcasts.
Carly, the fangs were SO FUNNY!! I loved it. Your librarian is totally awesome. I bet you guys have a lot of fun together. You can check out more pictures of your school on my events page under May 29. In case you can't tell, all the fifth graders greeted me with a mouthful of fangs! Have a great end of the school year, Debbie

Saturday May 23, 2009
I hope you're having a good weekend. I must have allergies because my throat hurts and my eyes are all itchy-it's yucky and I'm grouchy. Do you guys have allergies?
Tristan and Nicole, I get ideas from everywhere. In fact, my son is allergic to cats and that's where I got the idea for Bobby and the Great Green Booger. Michael, the idea for My Mom the Frog came from a kid in California. Unfortunately, both of those books are out of print. The idea for The Other Side of Magic came from all the bushes and trees around my new home-a magical border just like in the book! Kailee, I've written about 147 books. Hayley, my first one came out in 1990.
Andrew, you can get them at bookstores or order them off my website (with your parent's permission, of course.)
Breanne, I can't tell you the worst name-it's too bad, but you can read it for yourself. Is it in your school's library? Katherine, I like to write because anything can happen in a story. Yes, Bob, I do like dogs-in fact I have three! You can see them in my about Debbie section.
Austin, I have lots of favorites like Skeletons don't Play Tubas and for this time of the year, I like Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp. A big howdy to Jacob, Dreamie, Morgan, Kaylee, Nicole, and Camilla. You guys are awesome! Alexa, hope you can come to one of my upcoming booksignings. If not, send me a bookplate in care of Scholastic 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012 and I'll be
happy to autograph it for you. Andrew, I enjoyed the song. Was it written by someone you know?
Destiny, my youngest son loves dragons, like the one in This Side of Magic. Do you like dragons?
Anna Marie, it is hard to know when a book is ready to send off. I think it's just a matter of knowing that this is the best I can do at this time. I get inspiration from everywhere, even from my own children. I was 27 when I first started writing. Allison, most of my books cost around three to four dollars. Sammy, I'm glad you liked Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate. ttyl, Debbie

Monday May 18, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me! I hope you are all having a great day. Did you know that I sold my first book on my birthday several years ago? That was a great birthday present. Who knows maybe I'll see a book today too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Colleen,
I think Mrs. Jeepers brooch is magical, don't you? Sarah, my first book was Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots. I wrote for about a year and a half before it was published. A big hello to Emma, Connor, Brooke, Bailey (love your name!), and Brittany. Logan and Abby, I'm fine. How about you?
Keenan and Megan, I love to read and I think that's what made me want to be a writer. George, Grace, Paige, and Maddie you sound like awesome readers. Ask your librarians or teachers to contact me. They can do it on my events page. It'd be fun to visit your schools. Maddie, I've written about 147 books. Roxana, good luck on your oral report for The Worst Name in Third Grade. I got the idea from a girl I used to know. Her last name was Snotgrass.
Andria, your plot sounds fabulous. Keep me posted on how it's going. Cynthia and Jeremy, your ideas are amazing. Good luck with your writing Jeremy. Gabby, Kathleen, and Maria, you guys might like to check out my writing page for more suggestions on writing and some podcasts. Don't forget to scroll down. Miranda, you name would be good for a book. I'll try to do it. It has to fit the story.
Daisha, my first kiss was wet, warm and a little embarrassing! Blake, I'm glad you like my werewolf books. I think Mr. Jenkins is a werewolf, don't you? I haven't been water skiing in a while, but I'd like to. I did like writing Slime Wars and Slime Time with my son. He's a great guy.
Dreamie, what would you like to know? There's a lot of information about me on my book report page and also on the About me section of my website. Tyler, my favorite color is blue. Danielle, my 27th book was Bogeymen Don't Play Football. My picture is in it! Rebecca, my mom and
my daughter are both named Rebecca! Ava, I hope you and your friend enjoy the Keyholder books. Take care, Debbie

Monday May 11, 2009
Hi guys. I hope you were able to wish your mother a "Happy Mother's Day" yesterday. I had a great day with a picnic and a visit to Longwood Gardens. A friend nominated me for Mother of the Year and I won! Click here for the clip.
Okay, I'm sure you've guessed by now that it was a joke, but this is not joke: I want to thank all the great kids in and around Harleysville, PA. who came to my booksigning on Sat. It was awesome to meet you. The winning school was Lower Salford Elementary. If it's okay with your principal, I'll see you next November! If I haven't visited your school and you're not close to PA., you might like to tell your teacher or librarian about something new I'm doing called video conferencing. I just did one with William O. Schaefer school and it was fun. I'd rather be there in person, but technology is cool too. It's free if you have a webcam. If your school interested they can contact me for next year.
Stephanie, I love the name Camp Chris. Don't forget to check out my writing page and scroll down, but I think you should write what you like to read. Do you like adventure or funny stories? Raynier, I'm glad you liked Aliens Don't Wear Braces.
Kyla, my real name is Debra Sue Gibson Dadey, but everyone calls me by my nickname Debbie. Camilla, there's one fact about me. You can find out more on the book report section of the Swamp Page, but I will tell you that I feel very lucky to be able to make my living writing books. I also go to church every week to thank God for all my blessings (and I pray daily).
Bridgette and Gismeillys, your ideas were great! Bridgette, do you know I wrote a book called The Worst Name in Third Grade where the girl's first name is Bridgett? Her last name is the worst name!
Carol, it was great fun to visit your school. A big hello to Jamie and Stephanie. I hope if you live in eastern PA. or New Jersey, I'll get to meet you this week. I'll be at Books and Greetings In Northvale, NJ on Tuesday afternoon and at the Borders in the Shoppes at Valley Square in Warrington, PA. on Saturday at 2:00 signing my brand new Keyholder series. See you soon, Debbie
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