Sunday February 1, 2009
Anyone watching the Super Bowl tonight? Of course, I'm rooting for the Steelers since I live in PA. I'm also hoping the Groundhog cooperates this week and doesn't see his shadow so spring will come. I'm ready for warmer weather. How about you? I feel sorry for my mom and brother in KY. This week they were without power for about four days. I think we get used to life with electricity. What a shock to have no computer, no TV, and no heat!
Greetings to Colin. I'm so glad you liked Aliens Don't Wear Braces. We got the idea from one of Marcia's students. They were joking around and came up with the title. We had a lot of fun writing
Dracula Doesn't Rock
and Roll. In fact, we were on such a roll that we wrote it in about a week! Nikki and Riley-thanks for writing, you guys rock!
Nikki, my daughter and I are working on a story about good girls and bad girls. I hope it gets published, I think it's fun. Jaeda, the inspiration for the first Bailey School Kids book came from a bad day at school. We thought if we were monster teachers, all the kids would mind us! Vivian, I've been to Las Vegas a few times, but I live in PA.
Riley and Kendra, thanks for your funny ideas! I really liked the fairy named Cleo. I used to have a great dog named Cleo. Have a good week and be happy, Debbie

Monday January 26, 2009
Wow, this month is zooming by. My kids and I painted at the Senior Center near us on Martin Luther King's birthday. I hope the Seniors there like pink (okay coral)!
A big hello to Nikki, I'm glad you liked Wizards Don't Need Computers. Of course I'd love to visit Canada. I've only been there twice. Once to Niagara Falls and once to Vancouver, after an Alaskan Cruise. Shaye, you sound like an amazing reader. Do you have a favorite book? Michelle and Veronica, you can write me snail mail at 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012. Courtney, I can ski but I think I'll stay away from snowboarding. I hope you had fun and best wishes with your writing. You might like to try the Scholastic website for their writing contest.
Hey Taylor, I'm glad you loved The Worst Name in Third Grade. I had fun writing it. I got the idea from someone I grew up with who had a name that wasn't so wonderful. Vivian the Great, thanks for writing. I hope you understand for safety's sake it's good not to give out your personal email on the Internet. Bekah, it's awesome to have goals. I'm still working on the ones I set at the beginning of this month. I have some done, but some I haven't started yet. I'd better get going! Best, Debbie

Monday January 19, 2009
Whew! I'm feeling like a snow monster today. These huge white flakes keep falling, just like a blizzard. My kids are hoping for no school tomorrow, but they already had off today for Martin Luther King's birthday. We were pretty bummed yesterday when the Philadelphia Eagles lost their playoff game (we live close to Philly), but we were glad when the Steelers won. Big things are happening this week-with a new
Sony, I'm so glad you liked Wizards Don't Need Computers. Did you know I used to be a librarian? Lola, I love dogs. I have three: Bailey, Skip, and Shadow. I have quite a few stories that have dogs in them. The Worst Name in Third Grade has a girl and her dog. Stephanie, I have lots of favorites. Slime Wars is one of them. I wrote it with my son, Nathan.
Courtney, I haven't done Island Run yet. I have to admit I've only done the easy ones! Thanks for your funny titles. I think Carey likes Eddie because she thinks he's cute! Courtney in college, thanks for writing and watch out for your new English teacher-you never know!
Kaitlyn, when I wrote The Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies I wanted to eat cookies all the time. Molina, hi to you and your son. Good luck with your writing. You might want to check out my writing page. Vivian, I'd love to send you my autograph. Just write me at Scholastic 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012. Hi and happy reading to Linda. Congratulations on your story
Brenton. I wish you the best with Random House. Now, I feel the strange need to go sledding; drink hot chocolate and eat cookies; and then fry pickles. gtg, Debbie

Monday January 12, 2009
Greetings earthlings! Hope all is well on this planet. Alex, I hope you understand why we're not able to put last names(It's a safety thing), but you're welcome to say you're Alex the Red, or Alex the Brave, or even Alex the cutest guy on earth! You can put your questions right here and I'll answer them. You can also look on my website at http://www.debbiedadey.com/Swamp/BookReport.php and http://www.debbiedadey.com/About/Debbie/ . The author of the month bulletin board might even have some things you can use on your report.
Destiny, I'm glad you liked Zombies Don't Play Soccer. Vivian, hello to you and I hope you understand about the last name thing too. You could be Vivian the Great! Sara, it was cool to visit your school last year and I'm so glad you're enjoying my books. Harry, I do believe in Bigfoot, don't you? Did you know my picture is in Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance? I'm Ranger Lily. I do a lot of research for every book I write and so I've found out a lot of the folklore and legends surrounding different creatures. Courtney, I want to try your recipe. Do you know what kind of pickle? The Theatreworks Bailey School Kids play has been postponed until next year. I was pretty bummed about it being delayed, but I can look forward to it next year. Brenton from Australia, how is your writing going? You might want to check out this Scholastic writing contest at http://www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/contest/kaa_about.asp. No word about Bridgett Butt
in fourth grade or another possible Bridgett book either. I think I'll ask today, just to check.
I did get two items done on my 2009 begining of the year list, so I'm rolling. Have a great week. brb, Debbie

Sunday January 4, 2009
Happy 2009! I hope you read lots of great books this year. It's back to school time for most people, so no more sleeping late. For me, I want to set some goals for myself.
What I want to do to start off 2009:
1. Continue volunteering at Christ's Home (hopefully spearhead a basement renovation project)
2. Finish writing my time travel/mystery/historical novel.
3. Eat right and exercise more (I got WII fit for Christmas!)
4. Clean up my desk!
5. Make a trailer for some of my books.
6. Look into creating a local reading project.
7. Math or reading practice everyday with a special someone!
8. Redo the swamp club and try to make a video game and work on my photo album.
9. Finish painting my office and fix my office curtains.
10. Schedule some booksignings for the new Keyholder series.
Okay, now I've made a list, so that means I need to really do all of the above! I love making lists and crossing things off when I've accomplished them. It makes me feel so successful. So, what about you guys: Karye, Courtney, and Tina? What do you plan to do in 2009? I hope school is a lot of fun this year for you. Courtney, I imagine any new BSK books will have the new covers as well. What in the world is a fried pickle? I like pickles, but fried sounds really weird. Hey Vivian, it would be cool to visit your school. Take care, Debbie
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