Debbie's Podcasts about writing
KidLit Zoom Interivew
Writing for Children The Ultimate Guide by Marcia T. Jones and Debbie Dadey
Blabbing in the Bluegrass podcast
Basic Character Chart Eddie and Liza have found a large, coffin-looking box in Mrs. Jeepers basement. Write a story about what they found. Click Here Be like Bridgett Butt and write about your perfect school. Here is a sample outline |
Click here to learn about how to submit a story to a publisher. Want to be published? Look at the very bottom of this page for where to send your stories. |
Writing Tips from Debbie*Write everyday *Read everyday *Finish a whole section before changing anything *Plan before you start writing *What does your character like/dislike? *Read your story outloud to see if it makes sense *Don't be afraid to make changes *What does your character look like? |
NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program
Want to appear in a magazine? You could be in Storyworks magazine. All you have to do is read a book (one of mine, I hope), write 1-2 paragraphs about what you liked about it and a few details about what happened, send in your photo and you could be in Scholastic's Storyworks next issue. Sign your name at the bottom of the review and send it to REVIEWS BY YOU Storyworks PO Box 712 New York, NY 10013-0712. (Remember to include your name, age, teacher's name, school's name and address, and school's phone number.) Also check out the list of magazines at the end of this page. Have fun! |
Eric and Cameron came up with this rap. Try making up your own just for fun! If it's about Debbie or one of her books, make sure to let her know and it might get put right here. |
Debbie Dadey is in the house yawl. |
Magazines are a great place to start getting your stories published. Take a look at the ones below in your local library or book store (or others your libary may have). Then see if one of your stories would be a good fit for that magazine. If they are look at the editoral information in the front of the magazine to see where to send your story. Good luck, Debbie |
New Moon Girls-for girls ages 8-14 Merlyn's Pen-by teen writers Skipping Stones-accepts art and original writings in every language and from all ages TeenInk-Teen Ink is a monthly print magazine, website, and a book series all written by teens for teens Frodo's Notebook-poems, essays, and short stories by teens 13-19 April Wayland-this author's site has a list of places for kids to be published. |
Inklings Book Contest-Each year, Society of Young Inklings publishes a yearly anthology of writing by exceptional young authors called the Inklings Book! The Inklings Book Contest offers young writers in grades 1-8 the opportunity to publish a short story or poem |