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Wednesday September 23, 2015

Hi Aiyana and Kate, great to hear from you guys again!  Hope you'll enjoy my Kid's Club, there are some games there you Stage Frightmight want to try.  Aiyana, Marcia and I were both teachers in an old school.  Perhaps that helped us to think of a haunted school for Ghostville Elementary.  Is your school old?  We often use character sketches to help us come up with our characters-what they like and don't like.  If you write a story you might like to try doing a character sketch before you start writing.   If your parents are on Facebook, have them stop by later today for a chance to win a new book. Have a fabulous Wednesday! Your friend, Debbie

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Monday September 21, 2015

Hi Aiyana, some books are just pure imagination, but some times something in real life inspires them.  For instance, my daughter was in school plays and that inspired Wish Upon a Starfish (although my daughter is much sweeter Trolls Don't Ride Roller-coastersthan Pearl!)  Hi Sapphire, it would be great fun to visit your school again and I'm so happy you like the Mermaid Tales.   
     Kate, lunch would be fun!  Please tell your class I said hello.  Maybe I could visit some day.  You sound like a very fast reader!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias and Trolls Don't Ride Roller Coasters.  Do you know I'm a chicken when it comes to roller coasters (like Liza)?  I do keep in touch with some authors.  Authors are nice people!  
    Lauren the Blue Kiwi, of course I remember you!  Wow, is playing a trumpet hard?  I think it would be fun for one of my mermaid s to learn an instrument.  What could they play underwater?  Ha, ha-bkks is funny.  Have an amazing day, Debbie


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Tuesday September 15, 2015

I agree Celeste!  Dolphins rock!  I even got to pet one once.  They are beautiful creatures.  I wonder what they think of us?  Happy Dot Day (How will we make our mark on the world?), Debbie

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Monday September 14, 2015

Happy Monday Janeth, I'm so glad you like the Bailey School Zombies Don't Play SoccerKids books.  My favorite right now is Zombies Don't Play Soccer.  What's yours?  Diana, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think you should know that Internet users can be traced to the computer they used. 
     Hi Stella, I like dolphins too.  In fact, I'd like to write a whole book featuring them.  Even though the artist put a The Polar Bear Expressdolphin on the cover of The Lost Princess, it is not all about dolphins.  Did you know that I talk about puffer fish in several of my Mermaid Tales books, including The Polar Bear Express?  Lillian, I'm happy to report that the next Mermaid Tales book, The Crook and the Crown, will come out December 15th-just in time for holiday vacation reading!  Have a super duper fantastic wonderful awesome week!  God bless, Debbie

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Thursday September 10, 2015

Hi Tonya!  I am looking forward to The Crook and the Crown The Crook and the Crown Mermaid Tales #13coming out in December too.  In that story, Shelly is scared to meet all her fancy royal relatives at Neptune's Castle.  Imagine her surprise when she meets someone who looks just like her!  Shelly is lucky her friends go with her because they help her solve a mystery.  Hope you'll like it!  Have an amazing week, Debbie

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