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Wednesday July 9, 2008

 Cool, cool, cool and I'm not talking about the weather.  The Bailey School Kids are coming to the big stage.  The first date will be in Manhattan at 10:30 at the Town Hall.  The second is the next day in Hempstead at the Adams Playshouse (Hofstra University) at 10:30.  Other New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylania shows are listed HERE.  

Caroline, I've asked if it will be touring other parts of the country this year, but I haven't heard back yet.  If you want it to come to your city, get your parents to email to ask Patrick.  I plan to attend as many Ghosts Don't Ride Wild HOrsesperformances as possible, so maybe I'll see you there!

Sarah, I do love horses.  That's why I enjoyed writing Ghosts Don't Ride Wild Horses and Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides.  Your idea was funny! 

Mya, hope you're having a great summer.  Thanks for writing, Debbie

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Thursday July 3, 2008

GhoulsHi guys!  I just got back from Bermuda!  It is so pretty there.  It was just my husband and me, so we relaxed on the beach.  I got to read a lot and wrote some too.  Imagine looking out your window and seeing nothing but ocean, it was totally cool!  Have you read any good books yet this summer?  One of my favorites is Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream.  In fact, ice cream sounds really good.  I think I'll have a snack after I write this! 

Hi to Lluvia and Destany Maria.  Destany, you sound like an awesome sister.  (I always wanted a sister!)  Who knows, your names might just show up in a book-you never know!  Gabby and Robin, thanks for your fun idea.  It'd be great to write, I think. 

Brittany, congrats on your report card and good luck in fifth grade.  I used to get in trouble for talking too much in fifth grade, so watch out. 

A big summer hello to John and Dijana, hope you're enjoying yourself.  Evelyn, I do like books that are just a teeny bit scary, but I also like funny books.  What about you?  I think people should read what they like and also write what they like. 

Sabrina, when I was a kid I used to read a lot, play baseball in my backyard, water ski, and bike ride.  I had two brothers and we managed to have a lot of fun. 

Hayley, personal information is just saying stuff about what school you go to or your last name.  We don't put that on this site because we believe in protecting kids from any bad guys on the Internet.  I went to Belgium quite a few years ago.  I visited a school in Belgium and also went to Brugge (I think that's how you spelled your canal city.  It was cool).

Danielle, hope you keep having a great time with your cousins and have fun writing.

Happy Fourth of July.  I live close to Philadelphia, which is practically the birthplace of America so they have lots of fireworks here.  In fact, I don't even have to leave home.  I just look out my windows and see fireworks everywhere!  Take care and don't get burnt by sparklers, Debbie

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Monday June 23, 2008

I'm going to New York City today to see a play with my children.  It's cool to live close enough to ride the train or a bus into the big city, but still be home in time for dinner!  My favorite plays are funny ones.  Speaking of plays, TheatreWorks is putting on a professional play of the Bailey School Kids starting in 2009.  The first preview show will be held in The Bronx at the Hostos Center on March 27th at 10:00.  I'll put the rest of the ones I know so far on my events calendar.

            Hi to Jasmin, Lily, Caroline (thanks for letting me know about the Bailey School Kids listing on Wikipedia.  Danielle (thanks for the funny title), and Mawmaw.  I hope you are enjoying the start of a great summer.  One thing I want to do this summer is paint a picture.

            Greetings to the cool kids in Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Anna, Facundo, Tomas, Federico, Sofia, Valentina, Juan, Francisco, Ramiro, Beltran, Fran, Josefina, Candelaria, Carme, Naty, Nicole, and Angeles.  How neat is that?  I've never been to Argentina, so I wonder what it's like there.  To answer your questions, I live in Pennsylvania in the United States.  I grew up and went to school in Kentucky, where my mother still lives.  She was just visiting me last week, so it was nice to see her.  I do have several other ghost books besides Ghosts Do Stomp In Puddles. My first ghost book was Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips, but I also have a whole series called Ghostville Elementary.  In all, I've written about 147 books.  I have many favorites, including my upcoming Bailey School Kids book, called Cavemen Do Drive School Buses, which comes out in the September Lucky Book order from Scholastic.

            If there are any ghosts at my house, they must be peaceful ones.  So I am not afraid of ghosts.  I was born in 1959, so I will let you do the math to figure out how old I am.  I have three wonderful children and one great husband. 

            I do love to read, I think that's why I wanted to write stories of my own.   Stay cool in Argentina or where ever you are!  Debbie

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Monday June 16, 2008

 Are you ready for some shocking news?  My husband and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.  Isn't that cool?  Being married isn't always easy, but I'm lucky to have Eric for a husband.  He arranged a magical renewal of vows ceremony with beautiful roses, music, and a lovely dinner with family.  He's romantic!

Hi to Amanda, aren't you glad it's cooler now?  I'm happy you like Whislter's Hollow.  Happy Birthday to Danielle!  Adrianna, did Dragons Don't Cook Pizza make you want to eat pizza?  I had pizza last night for dinner.  Kirsten, check out my new writing page for writing tips.  One tip that helps me is to read your story out loud to see if it makes sense and to make sure you don't want to add more words or take some away.

Greetings to Grumpy Grandma.  My first book came out in 1990.  Lily, thanks for the magic name suggestion.  It looks like my editor liked The Shadow Realm best. 

Serena, I'm glad you liked Vikings Don't Wear Wrestling Belts.  We picked most of our character's names from the phone book.  Vanessa, you can look at the list of Bailey School kids books in the event section of my website or in a recent book.  That will give you a list, but I don't have a timeline. 

Leon, check out the book report section on the Swamp Club if you still need help with your report.  Are you still in school?  Where I grew up in Ky.  the kids have year round school.  How would you like that? 

I hope you read something fun today. Stay cool, Debbie

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Monday June 9, 2008

IT IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I watched my son's soccer game, came home and threw up it was so hot!  And I wasn't even playing!  My son was fine, so I guess I'm just a wimp!  But in my defense, it was 100 degrees and today is supposed to be that hot too.  I hope it's cooler where you are.

Flowers I love planting flowers and playing in the dirt!  I just planted some flowers and they're so pretty! (Okay, I'm a girl, what can I say?)  I hope they don't die in the heat.  My favorite color flowers are white, yellow, and purple/blue.  What are yours?

A big hot hello to Rachel, blwolwicz, Connor, and Brody.  Kaitlin, I don't think it's weird that you like to read my books and you're in fifth grade.  I meet lots of kids your age who read my books.  In fact, I like to read kid's books and I'm a whole lot older than fifth grade.  If you enjoy it, I say go for it.  In April of 2009, I will have a harder series called Keyholders that I hope you'll try. 

Lauren, your plays were totally cool!  Yes, Raena, I was really scared skydiving during the freefall, but I liked it when the parachute caught and I was floating.  I'm not sure which school you go to, but I did have lunch with some students recently.  The librarian chose some kids, based on a contest I believe. 

Danielle, congrats on your book writing.  Of course, I remember visitng Cheyenne, Wyoming.  I do hope you'll enjoy your new school in New Mexico.

Desiree, it would be cool to have the Bailey School Kids be a TV series.  I'm excited because it's being made into a traveling play right now.  Ben, I hope you enjoyed Wizards Don't Need Computers.

Hope you'll check out my summer reading bookmark on my homepage.

Stay cool, Debbie 


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