Friday April 1, 2011
Greetings from wet, wet, wet, wet Pennslyvania. I'm being to wonder if it will ever stop raining. Wait! It just stopped and now it's snowing!!! Now it's hailing! Oh no, now there's big chunks of meteorite falling!!!! One just hit my office windoooooooooow!!!! Whoops, sorry that was just an April Fools' joke. Actually it really is snowing now-beautiful big fluffy white flakes.
Chase, I'm glad you like Werewolves Don't Run for President. Would you make a good president? Chase, I can't write about Mario unless I have permission. Someone owns that trademark. Yes, Alexander B. I do like the Bailey City Monsters. Do you know that that is a series? Click here to see the other books.
Hunter, I'm glad you like Eddie. He is great fun to write about. Would you like to explore like the first Vikings did? Aubrey, I wanted to write Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball because I like basketball. In fact, I'm rooting for the University of Kentucky to win the final four in college basketball this weekend. Go Wildcats!
Logan, I do like math (but I like history more). Logan and Katherine, I have three pets. My dogs are Bailey, Skip, and Shadow. JD, my new series will come out next year. I'm glad you like the Abominable Snowman Doesn't Roast Marshmallows. It looks like a snow monster outside my office window right now. It's a blizzard and that's no April Fools! Jordan, Liza is dramatic because I've known a lot of young girls who act that way-sometimes even my daughter! Ryleigh and Natalie, thanks for you nice words! Brenna, Chad, and Alli, and Luke P. I have lots of favorite books. One of my favorites is the same as Alexander G. and Nathan's. It's Skeletons Don't Play Tubas. Austin, I think my favorite monster in a mermaid right now because last summer when I went to the beach I turned into one. My tail is long, green, and has pretty blue sparkles. Oh wait, that was an April Fools' joke!
Chad, see you soon! Luke, I do think she is the Bride of Frankenstein. Do you? Jack, I do believe in magical things. Do you? Jack and Natalie, I'm glad you enjoyed Cupids Don't Flip Hamburgers. It was orginally going to be called Cupids Don't Flip Pancakes, but our editor asked us to change it. Natalie, my favorite animal is a dog. Hailey and Ava, I get ideas from everywhere-even my dogs! Ava, I have three great children. Two of them have half day of school today so they are happy. Jennifer, I'm glad you like the Ghostville books. Do you have a favorite? Jessie, I have sold 151 stories to be made into books. Star, your idea is so funny! You are so clever you should try writing yourself. A big snowy hello to Alicia and Ben. I really enjoyed reading all your letters and that's no April Fools, Debbie

Thursday March 31, 2011
Hey Hailey, Ms. Jensen and class-I'm so glad you guys like Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots. It was my first book! Yes Hailey I do like it and Zombies Don't Play Soccer. The idea for that book came from my kids playing a lot of soccer. Ms. Jensen and class, I'll be in Churchville, NY on May 2nd visting a school. Is that close to you? I'll be in NYC sometime the week of May 16th. It'd be fun to visit you in person or on Skype.
Zoe, I have lots of favorites, including Sea Serpents Don't Juggle Water Balloons. Hailey, it's one of my favorites because my daughter's (Becky) picture is in it. I wrote the words with my friend Marcia. A big hello to Katharine T., Cassidy, and Chad. Katharine, I have three dogs: Bailey, Skip, and Shadow. Bailey and Shadow are girls. Skip is a boy. I do think there's a leprechaun in Leprechauns Don't Play Fetch. Kassidy, I'm glad you like Slime Wars. Taylor, good luck with your writing. I hope you'll check out my writing page.
Haley, there are 51 numbered Bailey School Kids books, as well as super specials and holiday specials.
Don't forget to smile today. This is the only today we'll ever have, Debbie

Wednesday March 30, 2011
Hey guys, I'm back in Pennsylvania today. I enjoyed my trip to Michigan and hope to go back some day. Tomorrow I am doing a Skype visit with two second grade classes in New Jersey. If you don't know what a Skype is, it's where we can talk to each other over the computer (like on TV).
Andrew, I thought it was fun writing Knights Don't Teach Piano because I like to play the piano and also because I like stories about King Arthur and knights. Austin, you have a great school. I like to read, so that made me want to write books. Artasia, u r cool too!
Stephen and Andrew, I'm glad you like Dragons Don't Cook Pizza. Most of the Bailey School Kids books took about a month to write. It would be fun to put a dino (and Andrew) in a book! To write a long book, you just keep trying!
Keely, to get the Worst Name in Third Grade, you can click here and ask your parents to order it for you or you can ask your local bookstore to get it for you. Jerry, I get inspiration from everywhere. The idea for Robots Don't Catch Chicken Pox actually came from my lovely daughter Becky. Jordan and Angelina, in my free time I love to read! Jordan, I'm glad you liked my gremlin story. Alysse, do happy you enjoy the Keyholder series. Lizzy, I love dogs! In fact, I have three. So many of my books have dogs in
them, including several of the Bailey School Kids books. Marcia Jones and I wrote a whole series about dogs called Barkley School for Dogs. I do remember you.
Gina, I'm glad you like my ghouls story. Benjamin, my ghouls story is definitely one of my favorites. I like mysteries too! (I also like funny books and books about history). Tyler and Davianna, I DO think it's fun being an author. I feel so blessed. Rachel and Victor, I do think Mrs. Jeepers is a vampire, do you? Abigail and Kyle, I do hope to write more Bailey School books, but it is up to my editor and how many books I sell. Emma, I'm happy you like my Ghostville Elementary series. Was it scary? Jenna, going to Hawaii was a great way to research Wolfmen Don't Hula Dance. Abby, I like all my characters, but I must admit I do have fun writing about Eddie. A big hello to Chad and Katherine! Micah, I have never seen a sea monster, although I have been to Loch Ness
in Scotland. Kevin and Micah, did you know there are actually four Swamp Monster in Third Grade books?
Jacob, you are right. Other people do proofread my stories. Julie! I'm glad you like my books, but please don't stay up ALL night reading them. I'm thinking Mrs. Jeepers might have been in the basement in Mrs. Jeepers Is Missing. Tykena, you can order my books through my website or ask for them at your local bookstore. If they don't have the one you want, you can order it. Ethan, my oldest son was interested in going to space camp. I thought it would be fun and it gave me great ideas for things to put in Mrs. Jeepers in Outer Space. Karina, it takes different amounts of time to write a book, for me between one week and eight years! I have sold 151 stories to be made into books. Emma, I'll tell Nathan you enjoyed Slime Wars. It'll make his day. Arianna, I'm happy that Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles made you laugh. It took about a month to write. Thank you guys for writing and have a great day, Debbie

Monday March 28, 2011
Greetings from the US border. I'm looking out the window to Canada. I'm in Port Huron, Michigan, which is on a river, a river that's full of chunks of ice. It looks like a floating glacier. Sydney, I enjoyed visiting your school. I hope you'll like The Worst Name in Third Grade. Hope to see you at Thomas Edison School tonight at 6:00. Keegan, it takes different amounts of time to write a book. The fastest was one week-the longest was eight years! Hi Angelia and Erika! Dominic, I have lots of favorites, like Skeletons Don't Play Tubas. Nathan Dadey is my favorite author (and my son!). ttyl, Debbie

Saturday March 26, 2011
Natalie, hope you are enjoying Happy Boo Day to You! Jadyn, I'm happy you like my books. Kendyl, I will sign as many books as I can while I'm there, so feel free to bring Cupid Does Flip Hamburgers. Yes, Camille, I have written other books besides Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips. I hope you'll check them out on my book page. If you keep scrolling down you'll see all my books. Crockett, I get ideas for the Bailey School Kids books from everywhere, even the newspaper! ttyl, Debbie
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