Kids Talk to Debbie
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Kids here is your chance to write to Debbie where Debbie and everyone else can read it!
Press the "Post Your Message" button below. A new page will open with a form where you can post your message to Debbie. Inappropriate language will be deleted or blocked. She will answer you on "Debbie Talks."
"Hi Mrs.Debby. I have not wrote to you in a long time. I'm staying at my grandmas house while my family went to San Diego. I was at the library when I saw a little girl carrying a big old pile of Mermaid Tales books.I hope you have a great summer!"
"Hi, Debbie, I'm a bit sad you live in Tennessee, right?I live in Laurel, Maryland.I am sad because I never see you.But,I really hope you come next year!,Tess."
"I recently learned ASL, because my mom is deaf. To be honest, I think it’s pretty cool. So yesterday, a girl in my class asked where to get the summer reading books. I told her the librarian had them, and she got really mad at me for some reason. She told the teacher and I got in big trouble! I tried to explain to my teacher, but she didn’t want to hear it, and now I have to skip July Jamboree! What should I do, Debby?"
"I notice you don’t reply every day. Why’s that"
"Heyo Francesco! (Hi Mrs. Dadey:))"
"What do you think happened to Mrs Dedee after Bailey School? Also were all the kids mean to her, even Liza and Howie and Melody?"
"Dear,Ms.Dadey,I also read Mermaid Tales#2.I haven't read#18 yet.Witch book Stores is that book in.I live near Books a million.Have a good day!, Tess.P.S. happy 4th of July! "
"Do you like chicken nuggets? Do you like peanutbutter? Do you like bacon-cheeseburgers? Sincerely, Derfla"
"Cuantos años tienes "
"My name is Wren. I am almost 8 years old. I love your Mermaid Tales books! I just finished the 18th! They were the first chapter books I ever read by myself. I was so excited every time my mom brought new ones home from the library. She's going to email you a picture she took of me with all 18 books! Thanks for writing these books. Are you going to make more? Hope you get this! Have a good day!"
"Hi Debbie! I went all the way back to 2006 on this page and saw the note about World Youth Day. I am going there next year! I hope to see you in Panama!!!!!!"
"Hiy Debbie. I lik yor books. Mie Momm reeds them too me evry nite. Thanks for being sush a good aother. Sinseerly, Nina"
"Do you think my name is funny? A lot of people do."
"Am I a bully"
"I’m gonna write a book called the three friends who refuse to obey their principal and get thrown into a trash can! I’ll give you the full summary later!"
"AWESOME! My friend actually has ideas for Mermaid Tales. She has never even heard of the Bailey School Kids until now. I loved issue 3 and I love the tips about fashion! I hope that my friend can send in some things too. It might come from my Mom's email because my friends mom doesn't have one. So, I hope that is OK! Thanks for the responses! Love, Kaleigh and Lola"
"Ms Dadey, I was wondering if kids can send in book ideas? My BFF has so many great ideas for these books that she has to write fan fiction."
"Dear Debbie, I LOVE your books and I've read them ALL. I wonder if there will be any more? "
"I lik you r books a lot and they are relly good I have lot of friends that like. Your books to my mom reads them to me"
"I lik you r books a lot and they are relly good I have lot of friends that like. Your books to my mom reads them to me"
" Your books are pretty cool but I wish they had more death "
"Happy summer have an ok day"
"I have funny jokes: why did the bee go to the doctor? Cuz he had hives! Why did Mozart get rid of all his chickens? Because they kept going BACH BACH BACH BACH"
"Is lying bad"
"Pfft animals don’t have feelings"
"What is birds and bees "
"I’m a girl but I wanna be a boy. What should I do"
"I love the first book and dolphins"
"Dear Ms. Dadey, When does Merstyle Magazine issue 3 come out?"
"hey debbie. its me again. why havent u wrote me an answer and u did to other kids? its not fair! still u r my fav athour. your fan, ira "
"hey ,Debbie. 'just wanted you to know that i just love your books. did you know? that you are one of my favorite authors. i am a big fan of you mermaid tales. i have read tale of 2 sisters and twist and shout. i am reading the polar bear express. love u."
"Did you like my story"
"We should not eat fruits and vegetables because they are living things and we should not harm living things so we should just eat meat "
"Since my mom went dead I have to learn sign language "
"My older brother showed me titanic it was sad and scary I cried and had a nightmare"
"What is the difference between a phone and a telephone"
"Dear Debbie,I have read almost all your Mermaid Tales books except for book 1, 2, 6 and Fairy Chase your newest book. I love them. Please keep writing them."
"Dear Ms. Dadey, Why is Pearl Swamp mean in Mermaid Tales? Every book makes it seem that the rich are mean and hate everything. And why are all the mean people blonde in books? Love, Kaleigh "
"Dear,Ms.Dadey,I read your Mermaid Tales books #15 and #17.I like them.My favorite character is Kiki because we both like to read.I think you are a good and creative author.I will read Mermaid Tales#18.Sincerely,Tess."
"Sue told the teacher that I punched her and I didn’t do anything"
"Sue said I smell like a dumb old horse"
"Why did Melody push Eddie in Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles? That’s not nice "
"Omg! I got my first phone "
"I have nine siblings! Ugh! Aliesa (18), Oreo (17), Dori (7), Kyle (5), Emma (4), Crew-Lew (3), Ryan (2), Jack (1), and Jennivee (4 months) "
"Hablo español y Ingles: "
"Hablo español y Ingles: "
"Is it ok to be gay? Please answer, don’t just say hi!"
"Today Polisa and Henna came up to me while I was cleaning horse poop and told me I smelled bad so I dumped the horse poop on them"
"I noticed in the Bailey school kids book that Eddie and Melody snuck out of their homes to invade their teacher’s home. That’s not appropriate "
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