Debbie Dadey’s Videos
Mychal talks about grief and the BSK
Chat with the Girl with the Bookworm Tattoo
Debbie’s Little Free Library’s opening day.
How the Bailey School Kids began-What’s in my Head
Babblin in the Bluegrass-The Amazing Authorship
Read Aloud of 1st graphic novel and MT #21
Celebrating 25 years with this VIDEO!
2Kids Interviews
Debbie Dadey on Youtube (readings and interviews)
Debbie Dadey (live readings and writing instruction)
Debbie is interviewed by a ghost!
Live interview with Jefferson City Public library children’s librarian
Debbie Dadey and Middle Grade Ninja
Debbie Dadey and Reading with Kids (Podcast)
Debbie Dadey and Inspiration for Writing
Debbie Dadey and Kid’s writing
Debbie’s Constitution Week Video Constitution bulletin board
Debbie with Rick Starkey: You can go in a story!
Outside the Book with Barbara Deeb (WKU KET)
Video Interview: One of Debbie Dadey’s readers talks about discovering her books back in third and fourth grade!
Video Interview: Kentucky Native and Children’s Author Debbie Dadey Promotes World Read Aloud Day
Interview by Laura Kirtley, WEHT Local, Local 7 WTVW, Henderson, KY
Note: Video presentation is prefaced by 16 second local commercial