A fun engaging school-based adventure from the best-selling author of The Bailey School Kids. What happens when a young swamp monster becomes human and starts attending the third grade? What about when he turns back into a swamp monster in the middle of class? Jake...
Swamp Monster in the Third Grade Series
Lizards In The Lunch Line
What's green and slimy and carries a backpack? Here's the fun & engaging sequel to the school-based adventure from the best-selling co-author of The Bailey School Kids. NO WAY did Jake REALLY turn into a human kid and go to school! Jake's bully cousin, Dominick, just...
Trapped in The Principal’s Office
Emily is in trouble and Jake leaves the swamp behind and turns human to help his friend. Jake’s sister Nancy decides to have a little human fun herself, involving sliding in butterscotch pudding and fighting the school bully. Things get really bad hen Nancy gets...
The Great Green Gator Graduation
Digest Size Paperback with 58 pages. Swamp Monster Series. Written by Debbie Dadey, Color Cover Art by Bill Bosso, and Interior Illustrations by Margeaux Lucas.
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