Contact Me

Contact Me

You may send e-mail to me by filling in the form below.  Be sure to enter a valid e-mail address if you expect a reply.  Prayer requests may also be sent below. Note: Due to safety concerns, Debbie will only respond to adults through this e-mail site. She is very concerned with Internet safety for kids.  PLEASE SEND SNAIL MAIL TO:  SIMON AND SCHUSTER 1230 AVE. OF THE AMERICAS NY, NY 10012 OR SCHOLASTIC 557 BROADWAY NY, NY 10012.

For major media inquiries about The Bailey School books, contact Marie Lamba at The Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency at [email protected] or 31 East 32nd Street Suite 300  New York, NY 10016

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Schedule an Author Visit

Contact Debbie Dadey to schedule a school visit and inspire young minds.