The Bailey School Kids Jr. Chapter Series
Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles
Meet the Bailey School Kids: Liza, Howie, Eddie, and Melody! Who knows what weird thing is going to happen to them next... Gurgle. Splat. Gurgle. Splat. Is something wrong with the plumbing or is there really a puddle ghost in the school bathroom?
Pirates Do Ride Scooters
VROOOOOM! Who is riding up to the Bailey City Pool? It's the new lifeguard. But why is she dressed the way she is? And why is she taking all of their treasures?
Wizards Do Roast Turkeys
Poof! One second the platter is empty. The next it isn't. How did Great-Uncle George roast that turkey so quickly? Could he be a wizard?
Dragons Do Eat Homework
Howie doesn't have his homework and Howie always has his homework! Is it really possible that a dragon took it?
Cupid Does Eat Chocolate Colored Snails
Vampires Do Hunt Marshmallow Bunnies
Oh, no! Something has happened to all of the candy in Bailey City. Will they still be able to have the Easter egg hunt?
Cavemen Do Drive School Buses
Good reading copy.
Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate
Who knows what weird thing is going to happen to the Bailey School Kids next? It's snowing... and snowing... and snowing! Will the snow ever stop? Or does that wild snowboarder have something to do with it?
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