Discover the Collection

Explore Debbie Dadey’s extensive collection of captivating children’s books.

The Bailey School Kids Jr. Chapter Series

Explore our collection of over 180 books organized by series
Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles

Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles

Meet the Bailey School Kids: Liza, Howie, Eddie, and Melody! Who knows what weird thing is going to happen to them next... Gurgle. Splat. Gurgle. Splat. Is something wrong with the plumbing or is there really a puddle ghost in the school bathroom?

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Pirates Do Ride Scooters

Pirates Do Ride Scooters

VROOOOOM! Who is riding up to the Bailey City Pool? It's the new lifeguard. But why is she dressed the way she is? And why is she taking all of their treasures?

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Wizards Do Roast Turkeys

Wizards Do Roast Turkeys

Poof! One second the platter is empty. The next it isn't. How did Great-Uncle George roast that turkey so quickly? Could he be a wizard?

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Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate

Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate

Who knows what weird thing is going to happen to the Bailey School Kids next? It's snowing... and snowing... and snowing! Will the snow ever stop? Or does that wild snowboarder have something to do with it?

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How to buy my books:

The best way is to go to your local bookstore and buy them. If they don’t have them in stock, ask them to order some. If you don’t have a local bookstore, you can order them through your favorite online bookstore or through the link on each book page. Here’s a link to my Amazon book page. Make sure to ask for your parent’s help.

Are there activities to go with my books?

Many of my books have activities to go with them. You can find them on each individual book page.

How to contact Debbie

Adults can contact Debbie directly here. PLEASE SEND SNAIL MAIL TO:  SIMON AND SCHUSTER 1230 AVE. OF THE AMERICAS NY, NY 10012 OR SCHOLASTIC 557 BROADWAY NY, NY 10012.
For major media inquiries about The Bailey School books, contact Marie Lamba at The Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency at [email protected] or 31 East 32nd Street Suite 300  New York, NY 10016

Can I request a school visit or reading?

Yes, contact Debbie here to enquire about a school visit. You can find out more here (link to school visit information). Debbie also does free readings several times a year, especially for WRAD. You can sign up for her newsletter here for up-do-date information on upcoming free readings and contact her here.

Is there a newsletter?

Yes, Debbie has a newsletter that comes directly to you six times a year. You can sign up here. Debbie does not share you personal information with any parties.

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Contact Debbie Dadey to schedule a class reading and inspire young minds.