Bridgett’s Blog

Hi! I’m Debbie Dadey.

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  1. Anonymous

    Mikey chased me around the playground with an icicle today! StopMikey! I hit a slick patch of sidewalk and landed right on my bottom. Then I had to go through the rest of the school day with a wet butt. When your name is Bridgett Butt, it’s not good to have a wet rear end-let me tell you Mikey couldn’t keep his mouth shut about it. tisnf! When he said I had a butt-cicle, Miss Snotgrass made him sit out in the hall. Ha! Ha! He had to miss part of the movie, The Polar Express. I don’t know why Mikey likes to pick on me, but if you know how to stop him, let me know. ttyl, Bridgett

  2. Anonymous

    My bff, Amanda, has the coolest game system. She got it for Hanukkah. I asked my mom for it for Christmas. She said she’d think about it and now she tells me that it’s impossible to find. If it’s impossible to find, then how come Amanda got it? Is her dad some kind of magician or something? TISNF! After all, that’s all I want for Christmas. Do you know how to get it? Let me know and I’ll tell my mom. brb Bridgett

  3. Anonymous

    OMG, did you have a great Thanksgiving or what? I got 9 (count them nine) days off from school! It was awes! (Except for the part where my great aunt Ima squeezed my cheeks like I was a ripe watermelon. watermelon That was totally awk. But, I guess if my name was Ima Butt, I’d be a little strange too. I’m a little 🙁 to go back to school because of homework and stuff, but I will be glad to see my BFF, Amanda.

    My mom made me abend the whole vacation. That’s like cruelty. I’ve got to be careful in school not to talk too much or I’ll be in trouble again. I thought it was great when my desk got moved next to Amanda’s, but now I’m not so sure. How can I not talk to her? She’s my best bud. Wish me luck. BRB, Bridgett

  4. Anonymous

    AFAIC my school can just close it’s doors forever! AAMOF, all schools should just close. I mean wtd, why can’t kids talk in school? It’s not natural.

    Right now, I have a note in my backpack. My teacher wrote talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks, talks about a million times on it. My mom is not going to ROTGL if you know what I mean. I may be abend for a while.

    ttyl (hopefully not too much later!) Bridgett,
    who still thinks kids should be allowed to talk!

  5. Anonymous

    HI guys! Did you have a great Halloween? I got so much candy I could sell it and make a million dollars. I could call my store Bridgett’s Candy for a Buck. Of course, then I couldn’t eat my candy and I DO want to eat it! My favorite is Resse’s Peanut Butter Cups. I was Spiderman this year, just like last year. My BFF, Amanda, was Superman. We’re a great team. It was so fun, except for Mikey. He thinks he’s so cool. He was a pirate and he kept bonking me over the head and saying, “Kill the Super Butt!” I’m really really trying not to hate him! ttyl, Bridgett

  6. Anonymous

    What would you do if Mikey Parsons called you a name almost every day of your No Hate entire life? I mean he started calling me Booger Butt in Kindergarten!
    Would you hate him? I know I’m not supposed to hate him, but I REALLY REALLY don’t like him! And now, my bff thinks he’s kind of cute. I think she’s a traitor. Don’t you? g2g, Bridgett

  7. Anonymous

    Amanda Reynolds likes Mikey Parsons! I mean like bf/gf like! I was over at her house and she atp and it was Mikey! Yuck! She actually talked to him. How could she? It was so awk. Iphone mean Mikey has been mean to me since forever! IDK if I should be mad or not. wwyd? ttyl, Bridgett

  8. Anonymous

    P911! My mom is so mad at me I thought her eyelids were going to catch on fire. You’d think that getting the third warning letter home from school was the worst thing in the world. I wasn’t even doing anything wrong. aamof, I was just asking my BFF a question. TISNF. My teacher is trying to make my hand fall off. I have to write my favorite poem 10 times! I don’t even have a favorite poem. Do you? ttyl, Bridgett

  9. Anonymous

    Who ever invented spelling tests should be made to sit in chocolate pudding with worms in it-not the candy gummy worms, but real worms! IDK who thinks it’s fun to write words over and over, but that’s how I have to do it.

    I mean, one of my words this week is: ave

    I mean does anyone really care how to spell avenue? Can’t we just call everything a road or a street, which are soooooooooooooooo much easier to spell? Sigh, if you have any tricks for learning spelling words without having to write them twenty times please let me know. (BTW, it makes me sick that my BFF doesn’t even have to study and she already knows how to spell avenue! IMHO TISNF!)

    TTYL, Bridgett

  10. Anonymous

    Hi again. You think you’ve got problems? Try having a name like Bridgett Butt! TISNF! MikeyStink

    It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t boys like
    Mikey Parsons around.
    IMHO he’s a Stinkpot with a capital S.

    I hope you don’t have any stinkpots in your new class. OMG can you believe it’s time for school again? My mom took me shopping for new stuff. I had to wait in the underwear department while she bought my dumb brother’s boxers.boxersIt was so embarrassing.
    TTYL, Bridgett

    NOTE: I am totally into learning Internet slang.
    Here’s some of my new favorite words:
    IMHO-In my honest opinion
    OMG-Oh my gosh
    TISNF- That is so not fair!
    TTYL-Talk to you later


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