Bridgett’s Blog

Hi! I’m Debbie Dadey.

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  1. Anonymous

    Poor Bobo. His leg isn’t broken, but the doctor said he’s too fat! I have to put my dog on a diet! Mom says I can’t feed him bacon or treats. tisnf! Bobo looks 🙁 and he barks at his empty food bowl. I know he’s hungry, but if I feed him too much he’ll be too heavy and he’ll keep limping. wwyd? Bridgett

  2. Anonymous

    OMG D911 I’m so worried! Bobo is limping. I hope he didn’t break his leg or something. Mom called the vet, but she can’t get Bobo in until tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that he’s okay. g2g pet Bobo, Bridgett

  3. Anonymous

    My hand is totally worn out from writing Valentines. I’m giving everyone itty bitty candy bars that I’m taping to the cards. I love getting candy with my valentines don’t you? For my bff, Amanda, I talked my mom into letting me get a tiny box of chocolates. I think she will 🙂 don’t you? BTW, I hope you have a fun Valentine’s Day. Does your school have a party? Last year Mikey Parsons ate so much he threw up. Everyone screamed. WWYD? ttyl, Bridgett

  4. Anonymous

    Talking about awk! We had to do this group report at school. I had to work with Leslie Jones. She’s very nice, so I figured no problem. We did our poster together and everything. Then when we had to get up in front of the class, she did all the talking. When it was my turn, she kept interrupting me. What’s that about? Then the teacher graded me down because I didn’t talk enough! TISNF! Have you ever had a problem like that? What should I have done? Stomped on Leslie’s toe so I could talk? afaic, they should do away with group projects forever! b4n, Bridgett

  5. Anonymous

    My mom read in the paper that last week was No Bullying Week. Mashed Potatoes I think every week should be no bullying week, don’t you? I have to admit, that I blew my top again. So I didn’t keep my New Year’s Resolution, but Mikey drove me nuts. He kept saying the only good butt is a Bridgett Butt. I guess that was supposed to be nice. Then he got started on “Bridgett has only one butt to give for her country.” The last straw was when he stood up in the lunch room and said, “Give me Butt or give me mashed potatoes.” None of it made sense, but since when did Mikey ever make sense? I ask you, can you blame me for splatting him with mashed potatoes right in the nose? I think not. I was btcn! Too bad the principal didn’t agree with me. Your BFF, Bridgett

  6. Anonymous

    NO SCHOOL TODAY! Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr. for giving us the day off. My teacher said he changed a lot of things in our country. He gave a famous speech that said something like, “I have a dream that all people be treated the same, no matter what color their skin it.” That’s a good dream. I have a dream too. I wish all people would be treated the same (with no teasing) no matter what, even if they have a stupid last name like Butt! ttyl, Bridgett

  7. Anonymous

    2 BIG THINGS! I HAVE GONE 10 DAYS WITHOUT GETTING MAD AT MIKEY OR MY BRUHH, TOM! Everytime they say something mean, I smile. They get so red in the face, it’s funny and I smile more. LOL

    And for even more amazing news, Amanda and Carey both like Mikey. Like in BF/GF! And they are fighting over him. They give each other mean looks and won’t sit together on the bus. It’s like bwpwap. I like having Amanda to myself again, but I feel bad about Carey. Mikey is just a pain in the rear! bttyl, Bridgett

  8. Anonymous

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!! In 2009, I’m not going to let Mikey Parsons make me mad. I’m going to be nice to my bruhh and I’m going to do my homework right when I get home. bm&y, I don’t know how long I’ll last, but I’m going to try! GTG, Bridgett

  9. Anonymous

    I slept to 10:30 this morning and then I wore my PJs all day long. It was so cool. My bruhh even played some new board games with me and I captured his mouse in Mouse Trap. He didn’t even get mad! bm&y, I love Christmas vacation. Don’t you? brb, Bridgett

  10. Anonymous

    4 days to Christmas!!!!!!!!! Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait. I hope u get everything you want!!!!!! It’s so exciting, i could pee in my pants!!!!!!

    I love presents. I love presents. Of course, who doesn’t? But I also like singing Christmas songs. I’m going caroling with my church to the retirement home. I’m not around old people very much. I’m a little scared. I hope they like our songs. My favorite is Away in a Manger. What’s yours? If I don’t talk to you before then,
    Merry Christmas! Bridgett


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