Bridgett’s Blog

Hi! I’m Debbie Dadey.

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  1. Anonymous

    Whatever you do, don’t put toothpaste in your brother’s shoes! I’m grounded from everything and so is my brother! My mom took everyone’s toothpaste away and she squirts a little on our toothbrush every morning and every night. I feel like a two-year-old! g2g -I probably won’t be able to talk for a while since I’m TG-toothpaste grounded! Bridgett

  2. Anonymous

    This is toothpaste war! I put the gel kind in my bru’s soccer shoes. He took them out of his gym bag after school and stuck them on. His toenails will be sparkling white for weeks to come! Ha, ha, Bridgett

  3. Anonymous

    OMG! Not only do I have the worst name in the world, I also have the worst Toothpaste brother. You’ll never believe what he did. I accidently broke his I-pod and in the middle of the night he put toothpaste in my hair! I washed my hair five times and it still smelled minty fresh. TISNF! Why would he do that? I mean, it’s not like I broke his I-pod on purpose. b4n, Bridgett

  4. Anonymous

    Going on a field trip and I can’t wait. We get to ride the bus and sing songs and eat snacks (when the teacher isn’t looking). Our normal bus driver doesn’t let us sing, but the field trip driver doesn’t seem to care so we scream (well almost) at the top of our lungs. My fav is 99 bottles of coke on the wall. One time we made it all the way to zero bottles of coke on the wall. My throat was totally sore the next day, but it was worth it. I mean do you know anyone else who has actually made it all the way through the song? I should be in the World Record books for that! Talk to you after the field trip. brb, Bridgett

  5. Anonymous

    Yes! My nose is only slightly red and I can breathe without talking like a chipmunk with a rubber band on it’s nose. Also, Bobo is feeling much better too. He even played fetch with this slobbery stuffed chicken that’s his toy. That’s the good news. The bad news? Well, I guess I’ll have to wait until next year to play an April Fool’s joke on my bro. I’d better start planning now! gtg, Bridgett

  6. Anonymous

    *On the first day of April, my big nose turned as red as a big fire truck. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the second day of April, my eyes watered like a waterfall in southeast Asia. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the third day of April, my best friend stayed away from me. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the fourth day of April, my head pounded like a big fat drum. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the fifth day of April, my body ached so much, I couldn’t even go to school. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the sixth day of April, my throat felt like sandpaper on fire. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

    *On the seventh day of April, Mikey Parsons said I looked like an achey breakey rearey endedy. Sneeze, sneeze, achhh-chew!

  7. Anonymous

    My nose looks like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s shiny nose. I hope I live through this cold so I can play a April Fool’s trick on my brother. I’m trying to think of something really really good. What if I turned his alarm clock off? No, I’d get in big trouble with Mom. What if I put paint in his shampoo like in a movie I saw? No, I’d probably be grounded for the rest of my life. Is there a good trick I can play on him that’s funny, not mean, and won’t get me in big big trouble? Let me know. brt, Bridgett

  8. Anonymous

    Grandma brought me a huge solid chocolate Easter bunny and a cold. Now, I’m sneezing all over everything. Well, not really. I’m trying to sneeze into my arm, but sometimes things just go flying. Anyway, I was afraid I might be btd while grandma was here, but she was awes. She played board games and ping pong with me for one entire day. AFAIC, grandma is cool. My mom is always busy with work and cooking and stuff, but grandma is busy with just me (well and my stinky bro!) b4n, Bridgett

  9. Anonymous

    My grandma is coming. Do u know what that means? At my house it means sleeping on the floor and presents! I can’t wait to see what she brings me. brb, Bridgett

  10. Anonymous

    btw, the medicine is working. Bobo is much better. But, it’s so 🙁 He’s hungry all the time! Idk what to do, he’s only supposed to get so much food, but he’s hungry! This morning, he licked the wall beside my bed and he nibbled on my bedspread. If this keeps up, he might eat my whole bedroom! WTD? Mom said just to pet him more so that he’ll forget about being hungry. wwyd? b4n, Bridgett


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