Debbie Talks to Kids

Hi! I’m Debbie Dadey.


  1. loudcanvas

    Inayah, I hope there will be additional Mermaid Tales books. It always depends on how many books are sold. If I sell a lot of them, Simon and Schuster will want more. The newest one is A Titanic Friendship.

    Have a great week, Debbie

  2. loudcanvas

    Dear Geetika, Hi, my newest book is the Dragons Don’t Cool Pizza graphic novel. Unfortunately for the last Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips Graphic Novel few days I have had the stomach flu! It was no fun.

    Raina, I have written and sold 192 traditionally published books. Addyson, what a good day to write about stopping pollution-it’s EARTH DAY! I think killer whales are pretty awesome too! Have a great week, Debbie

  3. loudcanvas

    Dear Liam, I’m not sure what you mean. Best, Debbie

  4. loudcanvas

    Dear Scarlett, It is so cool that you are writing your The Lost Princess own books. That’s awesome! You might want to check out my writing page. So happy that you like The Lost Princess. It’s hard for me to pick out one favorite of the Mermaid Tales, but since it is poetry month I will pick The Polar Bear Express. It has some poetry in it! A Whale of a Tale is extra special right now because it’s audiobook comes out today! Have a great week. It is super sunny and lovely here today. Happy reading and writing, Debbie

  5. loudcanvas

    Dear Hannah, The best thing i to check out your teacher’s instructions for your argumentive essay, but the first thing to do is to write a one sentence summary of what you are trying to prove. Then write some paragraphs saying why people should believe you-it’s great to have some facts to back this up. Then you summarize everything you said in a sentence or two and then you’re done! Good luck, Debbie

  6. loudcanvas

    Dear Anaya, I have published 182 traditionally-Dragons Don’t Cook Pizza graphic novel published books. Coming soon is the Dragons Don’t Cook Pizza graphic novel. Hope you’ll ike it! Your friend, Debbie


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