Debbie Talks to Kids

Hi! I’m Debbie Dadey.


  1. loudcanvas

    Dear Aurora, How cool that you are a ‘twin’ with Echo! It would be super fun if you have an older sister like in A Tale of Two Sisters! Do you have a favorite Echo book? Right now, I am writing a Mini Mermaid Tales book that has Kiki in it. There are 22 Mermaid Tales books now. I hope to write more in the future! Have a great weekend, Debbie

  2. loudcanvas

    Dear Isabella, There are 22 Mermaid Tales books. One of my favorites is The Polar Bear Express where the merfriends find a lost polar bear cub and help him find his way home. I wrote a book a while ago called Mermaids Don’t Run Track with my friend, Marcia Jones. It was so much fun I wanted to write more mermaid books. In fact, I have a new one coming out in May called The Friendship Wish.
    Zoey, sending you a virtual hug. How can I help you? Your friend, Debbie Dadey

  3. loudcanvas

    Dear Christina, Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoy my books. I do enjoy writing them! I have three books coming out this year! They are Never Give Up, A Friendship Wish, and the Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips graphic novel. Do you think you might like to read one of them? Have a great week and God bless, Debbie

  4. loudcanvas

    Dear Aurora, I’m so glad you like the Mermaid Tales stories. Is A Whale of A Tale your favorite? Did you know that Echo is the main character in my newest Mermaid Tale book, A Titanic Friendship? In that story Echo really really wants to go on an ocean trip to see the sunken ship, the Titanic. But a new student may just ruin everything! Hope you have a great rest of the week. You are awesome and blessed, Debbie

  5. loudcanvas

    Dear Jacky, I’m glad you are enjoying the Mermaid Tale books. Starfish are pretty neat. The idea for Wish Upon a Starfish came from my daughter. She liked to be in plays in school. She had to much fun in them and she was my star!
    Hannah, my books have all been published traditionally, although I have reissued a couple of out-of print ones through Kindle publishing, which you can ask your adults about. Marty the Mudwrestler is one of those books. Have a great day and good luck with your writing, Debbie

  6. loudcanvas

    Dear Arica, I’m so happy that you enjoy the Mermaid Tales books. Do you have a favorite so far? I hope you’ll like The Polar Bear Express. It is definitely one of my favorites. I am excited that you enjoy writing. Have you been to my writing page?
    Hannah, how is your book going? Did you get a chance to visit the right side of my writing page? Hope you have a great week. We’ll work on books at the same time! Best, Debbie

  7. loudcanvas

    Dear Jenna, The two hardest books to write for me were Cherokee Sister, which took eight years to write, and Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips, which took two years to write (it will soon be a graphic novel)!

    Kaden, It costs nothing to write a book. Some people like to self-publishe and pay to have it done. That can get expensive. I send my books to traditional publishers like Simon and Schuster and Scholastic to ask them to publish my books. Luckily, the have! If you are interested in writing, I hope you’ll check out the right side of my writing page. Have a great week, Debbie

  8. loudcanvas

    Dear Hannah, Click on this link to go to the Mermaid Quiz. It is on the activity section my Mermaid Tales page. My writing page has some writing tips and activities that I hope you will like-especially the right side.

    Lucia, it is so cool that you have your own book club. Very neat! Have you seen my Mermaid Tales book club ideas page? Kiki has her own book club in Books vs Looks. I hope you don’t have trouble like she did! Since you are interested in being a writer you might like to visit my writing page. The right side has tips and activities for kids. Have a great weekend, Debbie

  9. loudcanvas

    Dear Lila, I’m so happy you enjoyed A Whale of a Tale. Kiki is like me in that she likes to real a lot! My two youngest kids, my mom and I actualy went whale watching in Alaska. We saw some, but didn’t get to see them jump out of the water. My nephew was in the Navy and he actually swam with whales! He told me what it was like so I could put in my story.
    Happy new year, Debbie

  10. loudcanvas

    Dear Hannah, It is so great to hear that you love my books. Do you have a favorite? It is fun to think that mermaids are real, isn’t it? I actually have 22 Mermaid Tales books. A Titanic Friendship is the newest one-about an undersea adventure and a surprise hero! You can see the rest of my 182 books here. Have a great week, Debbie


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